Saturday 1 June 2013

How to create Utility Class in Sencha Touch 2

Today, we are going to see how we can create a utility class in Sencha Touch 2. Before that, let me ask you the question. Why you need a utility class for Sencha Touch  Apps.

1) In Utility Class, you can add application specific configuration settings like baseUrl, animationDuration, animationType (slide, fade etc).

2) In Utility Class, you can add common methods that will be accessed by all Sencha app js files.

By maintaining above information in the Utility Class, in case if you need to modify baseUrl or modify code in the utility method. You just need to modify in one place instead of searching and modifying in all Sencha app js files.

I hope, my explanation made it clear the purpose of Utility Class in Sencha Touch App. Now, let's see the implementation

1) First, create a folder with name util inside app folder.

2) create a  js file with name AppConfig.js inside util folder and add the following code
Ext.define('MyApp.util.AppConfig', {
       singleton : true,
       alternateClassName: 'AppConfig',
        config : {
            baseUrl : '',
            imageUrl: '',
            animationType : 'slide',
            animationDuration : 100
        constructor : function(config) {
        navigate: function(navView, view, animationStyle) {

Important Note: Please make the above utility class as singleton using singleton configuration set to true;

3) you need to add this Utility Class MyApp.util.AppConfig as the require one in the Ext.application Class.
    name: 'sureshblogapp',
    requires: ['MyApp.util.AppConfig']

In order to access baseUrl value in the Sencha app js file, you need to use the below code

In order to access navigate() method in the Sencha app js File, you need to use the below code
MyApp.util.AppConfig.navigate(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3);

I Hope, you enjoyed this Post.


  1. Possible to post an example for point 3 where you need to add it as a required element in the app.js? I found mine not working even i'd added one there.

    1. I modified the above utility class by adding constructor().

    2. Hi,

      I updated in point3 by adding example.

      Suresh Ariya

  2. Hi, thank you for this. It's possible to declare a global variable in this config class and taking this variable from a Json store?

    1. Hi,

      Yes, you can define the Global Variable in utility class and refer in the store using AppConfig.GLOBAL_APP_VARIABLE

      Suresh Ariya

  3. Yes, we can. you can add configuration under config property in store. You can access the store using the below code

    var store = Ext.getStore('jsonstore');

  4. I saved "online url" and "local url" in localstorage.
    Now how can I refer baseUrl to each of them?

    I want to use customizeable url for my app. If local, select "local url", baseUrl refer to "local url". If online, select "online url", baseUrl refer to "online url".

    Any guide on how to proceed? Right now I just use two reference such as baseUrl and localUrl. Then call it


    Not sure is it ok. Please advice. Thanks.

  5. What's the advantage of having singleton: true and even though variables and methods are not static how we are accessing by using class name.

    1. You can access the class using alternate class name and if you create instance using Ext.create(), it will create instance only once
